Explore our premium outdoor gear and tools for your adventures. Discover quality knives and accessories at!
This is a Norwegian term for our brand of Skjeggmenn Knives (Kniver). We are a custom handmade knife maker located in Alabama, USA.
Looking for something handmade and special? You found the right bladesmith!
Handcrafted translates to love of tradition and artistry often lost in today’s free market of mass sourced goods. Our knives are made one at a time in fire, against steel and abrasives to carry on time honored skills.
Uncompromising skill to build a knife that is valued as a priceless tool and heirloom for the owner. A prized possession that can be shared and handed down for generations. We build our knives to stand the test of time measured in centuries.
To continue to be a lifelong learner and teacher is critical to evolution and success. We proudly dedicate time to attend organizational groups geared to this. Memberships include ABS, AFC and ACKG.
($4.95 shipping)
Skjeggmenn Blade Shield is a non-toxic, natural product made from food grade oil and natural waxes that is colorless, odorless, and flavorless. Protect by choice, not by chance. Product is 2 ounces in screw top tin.
At Skjeggmenn Knives, we believe that the best adventures are found outside. Our mission is to provide outdoor enthusiasts with the highest quality gear and resources to enhance their experiences in nature. Whether you're hiking, camping, or exploring off the beaten path, Skjeggmenn Knives has everything you need to make your journey unforgettable. Join us as we celebrate the beauty of the outdoors and inspire a community of adventurers. Let Skjeggmenn Knives be your trusted partner in all your outdoor pursuits.
Sometimes called “works of art”, we say “get it dirty art”, as they are made to be used, not just admired. Handcrafted knives make great family heirlooms or gifts.
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